Biovance Capital Fund I

Fund Snapshot

Fund Snapshot

Investment Sector


Investment Profile

Early-stage startups developing novel drugs/therapeutics

Minimum Investment


Subscription Deadline

June 2025

Fund Lifetime

10 years

Open to US Citizens


Fund Manager

Biovance Capital

CMVM License Number



Each fund manager or fund advisor has been invited to answer a series of questions about their own funds as well as the market in general.

We sat down with Biovance Capital team to find out more about Biovance Capital Fund I.

Could you please start by giving us some background about yourself and the team working on the Biovance Capital Fund I?

Could you please start by giving us some background about yourself and the team working on the Biovance Capital Fund I?

Biovance has a strong team with deep expertise in VC, biotech and pharma. It includes two PhDs, a MD/PhD and an inventor of medical products, all educated at leading institutions such as Harvard Medical School, MIT and Imperial College.

The team is passionate about promoting healthcare innovation and remains scientists and doctors at heart. At the same time, they have been investing for the past 7 years, having successfully invested in health startups across the UK, Spain and Portugal.

Why did you decide to create the Biovance Capital Fund I?

Biovance Capital is an independent biotech-focused VC raising a fund between €40-60M to capitalise on the largely untapped potential of biotech startups across Europe, particularly in the south where there are plenty of unpolished diamonds

Large public investments have been made in biomedical research across Southern Europe during the past decades, and countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal represent vibrant biotech ecosystems experiencing tremendous growth, with world-class science.

However, a lack of specialized venture capital in these regions hinders growth of biotechs. At the same time, creating a wealth of really promising early-stage biotechs with the support of healthcare-specialized investors like ourselves, could deliver transformational therapies in areas of unmet need and provide high returns for our investors.

Has the management/advisory team invested in the Biovance Capital Fund I? Please explain that decision.

The GPs deeply believe in this project and therefore also have skin in the game, investing in 2% of the fund.

Request a detailed presentation about the fund

· Min investment:


· Lifetime:

10 years

· US Citizens:


· Subscription deadline:

June 2025

The Biovance Capital Fund I focuses on Seed & Series A investment opportunities in startups developing novel drugs & therapeutics. For investors who are unfamiliar with the technical aspects of this industry, can you please explain what this means and why you believe this particular sector is a good investment target?

The Biovance Capital Fund I focuses on Seed & Series A investment opportunities in startups developing novel drugs & therapeutics. For investors who are unfamiliar with the technical aspects of this industry, can you please explain what this means and why you believe this particular sector is a good investment target?

How would you describe the Biovance Capital Fund I’s risk profile; Conservative, Moderate, or Ambitious?

The fund has an Ambitious profile, with a high return-risk profile. Venture capital usually has a high-risk, high reward approach. However, our specialist team adds value to every startup we invest in and, because of our in-depth knowledge of the sector having been former researchers and industry executives, we are able to significantly mitigate risk.

Furthermore, given our many connections to other large investors in Europe, it is likely that we will also be able to invest in a few Series A rounds in Europe for risk mitigation. Of note, Biotech venture capital funds consistently outperform other sectors.

The Golden Visa rules state that a qualifying investment must be held for just five years but the Biovance Capital Fund I's lifetime runs for longer. Could you please explain your fund lifetime including the launch date and subscription period?

Biovance Capital Fund I is being set up and has a lifetime of 10 years, which can be extended for two additional periods of one year each. The subscription period runs until June 2025 or until the fund reaches the hard-cap of €60M.

The term of the Fund was defined to allow the generation of the expected returns, allowing the selection of investment opportunities with the desired quality and performance.

On average, how long does it take to onboard a Golden Visa investor into the Biovance Capital Fund I and what are the main obstacles in the onboarding process?

Our onboarding process is a streamlined and seamless experience for the investor, accounting for each investor’s individual needs. We aim to minimize document complexity by using digital tools that create accessibility and flexibility for our investors.

Investors can go through the entire process with Biovance Capital remotely and fast, counting with the support and guidance of our onboarding team throughout the process.

In general, some Golden Visa investors are cautious because of the funds' lock-in periods. How do you plan to deal with investors who wish to exit the Biovance Capital Fund I before its full lifetime?

The Fund does not allow early redemption. However, investors can negotiate the sales of their units in a secondary market. This absence of an early redemption option is a feature of all Private Equity funds, not our fund in particular

What distinguishes the Biovance Capital Fund I from other Golden Visa-eligible funds operating in the market?

The uniqueness and attractiveness of our fund’s focus and strategy relative to the relevant competitors is:

The returns of our target sector outperform all other sectors, on par with IT/Digital, potentially generating above-market returns for our LPs;

First time EIF backs a health fund in Portugal and the only fund in Iberia fully focused on early-stage biotech, giving us a first-mover advantage;

Private and public LPs secured, including the EIF, Banco Portugues de Fomento and Caixa Capital; MONAF, the Portuguese corporate pension fund for pharmacists, which being a life sciences investor, provides yet another validation of our project; and several HNF/FOs in Europe and USA;

We have a strong team with deep expertise in VC, biotech and pharma. Our team includes one medical doctor (MD/PhD), two PhD scientists, and an inventor of medical products, all educated at leading institutions such as Harvard Medical School, MIT and Imperial College. Our team members have worked at leading international pharmaceutical companies and venture capital companies. Most of our team members have been working together for the past 4 years at Bionova Capital, having successfully invested in biotech startups across the UK, Spain and Portugal. Our strong track record at Bionova is exemplified with an imminent sale of a biotech company for a large return multiple (more than 140x) in only four years after the first investment;

We have privileged access to high-quality deal flow from leading universities, incubators and accelerators in Southern Europe, enabling us to invest in breakthrough medical treatments that can generate highly-profitable returns. We already have a pipeline of 6 biotech companies across Europe lined up for investment;

We capitalize on the large, public investments that have been made in biomedical research across Southern Europe during the past decades. This is a large, untapped market with plenty of promising biotech startups;

We have a wide personal network of international VCs, which will be critical for follow-on investments into our portfolio companies. For example, in 2019 we organized the largest-ever healthcare investor conference in Portugal in which we brought 11 of the world’s largest healthcare investors;

ESG is at the top of our primary focus in all investment decisions.

Get in touch with
Biovance Capital Fund I

· Min investment:


· Lifetime:

10 years

· US Citizens:


· Subscription deadline:

June 2025

Many of those considering the Golden Visa have several funds to choose from. What advice can you offer to help investors make the right decision for them?

When considering a Golden Visa investment, investors face a range of funds to choose from. Investors should define their goals for the investment and evaluate their comfort with the risk-return ratio of each fund. Different funds carry various levels of risk, and investors should select a fund that aligns with their risk tolerance. While past performance isn’t indicative of future results, analyzing a fund’s historical performance offers insights into its management and strategy.

Investors should also comprehend the fee structure of potential funds. Different funds have diverse fee models, and investors must weigh the impact of fees on their investment returns. We recommend opting for a fund that offers transparent reporting on its investments, financials, and strategy, enabling a clear understanding of where the money is being invested. Thoroughly researching a fund’s compliance with regulations, its management team, and its reputation can provide an understanding of any potential legal or regulatory issues. Investors should also delve into the fund’s history, strategy, holdings, and other relevant information to make a well-informed decision.

Finally, we would recommend choosing funds aligned with the investor’s own goals beyond a financial return. At Biovance, in addition to financial returns, we look for significant impact in three key areas, with a focus on SDG 3:

Innovation (e.g. number of patents);

Clinical outcomes (e.g. number of patients with access to transformational medicines);

Socio-economic benefits (e.g. job creation and reduced burden on healthcare providers).

For people who are unfamiliar with investing in funds and may even be nervous about learning, what advice would you like to give them?

Investing in funds can seem daunting, especially for newcomers. We recommend beginning by understanding the basics. There are plenty of resources available—books, online courses, or even simple guides—that can introduce a prospective fund investor to the concepts of investing, different types of funds, and how they work. It is important to know what one wants to achieve with investments and how much risk one is comfortable with. This will guide the fund selection. Funds pool money from various investors to invest in a diversified portfolio. This spreads the risk. We recommend looking for funds that align with one’s risk tolerance and investment goals.

We also recommend that investors spend substantial time in due diligence of the team to ensure they have the appropriate expertise and in-depth knowledge of the sector they are investing in. Finally, it is important to assess whether the fund is following the latest sustainability-related regulations. What is the SFDR classification of the fund? Does it have an ESG policy?

As always, consulting a financial advisor may be useful, as they can guide a prospective investor based on his / her specific situation and objectives.

Considering the recent Golden Visa rule changes in October 2023, what advice would you give to investors who are currently looking into the program?

The recent changes to the Golden Visa program in Portugal have changed the investment landscape, and it's essential to approach this opportunity with a clear understanding of the revised criteria, potential benefits, and the alignment of the program with the long-term objectives. The new regulations have altered the types of investments eligible for the Golden Visa. We would recommend taking the time to explore a diversified range of investment options, capital transfer, job creation, or supporting research activities, to find the most suitable option for the investor.

Given the complexities of immigration and investment laws, we would recommend seeking advice from immigration consultants, legal experts, or financial advisors who specialize in these types of programs. They can help navigate the changes and ensure compliance. Also, investors should consider the long-term implications of the investment beyond the immediate visa benefits, and assess the potential for returns on the investment and its alignment with one’s overall financial goals.

What is your outlook for Portugal from both an investment and lifestyle perspective over the coming years?

Portugal is on a steady rise as an attractive destination both for investment and lifestyle seekers. From an investment perspective, the country holds several appealing factors. Portugal’s focus on tech and innovation is fostering a growing ecosystem, drawing startups and investments. The tourism industry, though impacted by global events, remains a significant economic driver, and the country's allure as a tourist destination is expected to endure, supporting related industries. Additionally, Portugal's emphasis on green initiatives, especially in renewable energy and sustainability, offers potential investment opportunities in eco-friendly technologies and ventures.

Despite recent changes, the Golden Visa program remains an appealing avenue for investors looking for residency or citizenship, whether through investment funds or other mechanisms.

From a lifestyle perspective, Portugal stands out for its high quality of life and safety, marked by a pleasant climate, affordable cost of living, and a rich cultural heritage. Its robust healthcare system, particularly in urban areas, makes it an attractive choice for retirees and expatriates.

The country's rich history, diverse landscapes, and vibrant cultural scene contribute to its appeal as a place to live, offering a blend of heritage and modernity. Safety and stability are also key factors, adding to its attractiveness as a secure living environment. Additionally, Portugal's improving infrastructure, including transportation and digital connectivity, further enhances its desirability as a place to call home.

Portugal is the 7th safest country in the world according to the 2023 Global Peace Index, according to the GLobal Peace Index; was voted as the best country to live, retire or visit after COVID-19 according to Forbes, and was considered the most welcoming European country in the World to foreign citizens according to InterNations!

Is there anything else you would like to share with potential investors?

We would like to wish best of luck to potential investors in their quest to find a successful investment. Research, seeking expert advice, and staying informed are key to making sound investment decisions.

Sounds good! I'd like to get in touch now!

· Min investment:


· Lifetime:

10 years

· US Citizens:


· Subscription deadline:

June 2025

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Helping you understand investment and venture capital funds that qualify for Portugal’s Golden Visa


Golden Visa Funds Portugal is not a legal nor financial advisor. As such, no information on our site, emailed, or communicated via a meeting or phone call should be interpreted as legal or financial advice.We connect potential investors to professional lawyers and financial advisors. We strongly suggest all potential investors seek out formal legal advice.

Copyright © Golden Visa Funds Portugal

Everything you need in one place

Our team of experts & legal partners are available for a complimentary Discovery Call to answer your questions and offer personalised advice based on your unique situation. We're here to help!


Helping you understand investment and venture capital funds that qualify for Portugal’s Golden Visa


Golden Visa Funds Portugal is not a legal nor financial advisor. As such, no information on our site, emailed, or communicated via a meeting or phone call should be interpreted as legal or financial advice.We connect potential investors to professional lawyers and financial advisors. We strongly suggest all potential investors seek out formal legal advice.

Copyright © Golden Visa Funds Portugal

Everything you need in one place

Our team of experts & legal partners are available for a complimentary Discovery Call to answer your questions and offer personalised advice based on your unique situation. We're here to help!


Helping you understand investment and venture capital funds that qualify for Portugal’s Golden Visa


Golden Visa Funds Portugal is not a legal nor financial advisor. As such, no information on our site, emailed, or communicated via a meeting or phone call should be interpreted as legal or financial advice.We connect potential investors to professional lawyers and financial advisors. We strongly suggest all potential investors seek out formal legal advice.

Copyright © Golden Visa Funds Portugal